Q: What is the Port Chester Housing Authority (PCHA)?
A: The Port Chester Housing Authority is a Public Housing Authority operating in the Village of Port Chester within the Town of Rye located in the southern portion of Westchester County, New York. The PCHA provides decent and affordable housing for low and moderate-income residents. It is approximately 35 miles north of New York City.
Q: How affordable is public housing?
A: Residents in public housing pay no more than 30% of their adjusted gross household income for rent.
2021 eligibility income limits (maximum household income):
1 person 2 people 3 people 4 people 5 people 6 people 7 people 8 people
$63,400 $72,450 $81,500 $90,550 $97,800 $105,050 $112,300 $119,550
A: The Port Chester Housing Authority is a Public Housing Authority operating in the Village of Port Chester within the Town of Rye located in the southern portion of Westchester County, New York. The PCHA provides decent and affordable housing for low and moderate-income residents. It is approximately 35 miles north of New York City.
Q: How affordable is public housing?
A: Residents in public housing pay no more than 30% of their adjusted gross household income for rent.
2021 eligibility income limits (maximum household income):
1 person 2 people 3 people 4 people 5 people 6 people 7 people 8 people
$63,400 $72,450 $81,500 $90,550 $97,800 $105,050 $112,300 $119,550
Q: How does the selection process work?
A: Applications are only available when the waiting list is open. When the waiting list opens or closes, the dates are posted as a legal ad in the Journal News, or interested parties may contact the PCHA office for waiting list information. Completed applications are reviewed, evaluated, and recorded by PCHA's Tenant Relations Specialist. Notification letters are mailed to each applicant, and eligible applicants are placed on a waiting list. When an application nears the top of the waiting list, the screening process will begin; the Tenant Relations Specialist will contact the applicant to request information required to complete the screening process. Upon a successful screening, the applicant will be offered an appropriate sized unit.
Q: How long is the wait?
A: Based on the above factors along with an inability to predict vacancies, we are unable to predict the allotted time.
Q: In case of a housing emergency, can the PCHA help me?
A: Unfortunately the PCHA is not able to provide housing in an emergency situation. All vacancies are filled from the PCHA's waiting lists.
Q: Who am I represented by in the PCHA?
A: The structure consists of the Office Staff, the Maintenance Staff, and a Board of Commissioners, all of whom work hard to provide PCHA residents with safe and affordable housing.
For more information about the staff members click here.
Q: I am a current resident and I have just lost my job. Who can I contact concerning my rent?
A: To report a change of income, fill out and submit a NOTIFCATION OF CHANGE form. If you are claiming to have no household income at all, you will also be required to submit a NO INCOME form. All forms are available at the PCHA office. Verification is required for all reported changes. Rent decreases become effective the first of the month AFTER a change is reported and verified.
Q: Are pets allowed in the PCHA apartments?
A: : Please refer to the PCHA Pet Ownership Policy to answer any questions concerning pets on the PCHA property.
Q: Who do I contact if I would like to submit a complaint about my neighbors?
A: For urgent complaints (ex: your neighbors are making unnecessary noise, causing a disturbance, making you feel unsafe, or engaging in harmful or criminal activity), please call the Port Chester Police Department: (914) 939-1000. Neighbor complaints may also be made by filing an Incident/Complaint Report form (available at the PCHA office).
A: Applications are only available when the waiting list is open. When the waiting list opens or closes, the dates are posted as a legal ad in the Journal News, or interested parties may contact the PCHA office for waiting list information. Completed applications are reviewed, evaluated, and recorded by PCHA's Tenant Relations Specialist. Notification letters are mailed to each applicant, and eligible applicants are placed on a waiting list. When an application nears the top of the waiting list, the screening process will begin; the Tenant Relations Specialist will contact the applicant to request information required to complete the screening process. Upon a successful screening, the applicant will be offered an appropriate sized unit.
Q: How long is the wait?
A: Based on the above factors along with an inability to predict vacancies, we are unable to predict the allotted time.
Q: In case of a housing emergency, can the PCHA help me?
A: Unfortunately the PCHA is not able to provide housing in an emergency situation. All vacancies are filled from the PCHA's waiting lists.
Q: Who am I represented by in the PCHA?
A: The structure consists of the Office Staff, the Maintenance Staff, and a Board of Commissioners, all of whom work hard to provide PCHA residents with safe and affordable housing.
For more information about the staff members click here.
Q: I am a current resident and I have just lost my job. Who can I contact concerning my rent?
A: To report a change of income, fill out and submit a NOTIFCATION OF CHANGE form. If you are claiming to have no household income at all, you will also be required to submit a NO INCOME form. All forms are available at the PCHA office. Verification is required for all reported changes. Rent decreases become effective the first of the month AFTER a change is reported and verified.
Q: Are pets allowed in the PCHA apartments?
A: : Please refer to the PCHA Pet Ownership Policy to answer any questions concerning pets on the PCHA property.
Q: Who do I contact if I would like to submit a complaint about my neighbors?
A: For urgent complaints (ex: your neighbors are making unnecessary noise, causing a disturbance, making you feel unsafe, or engaging in harmful or criminal activity), please call the Port Chester Police Department: (914) 939-1000. Neighbor complaints may also be made by filing an Incident/Complaint Report form (available at the PCHA office).